Saturday, August 28, 2010

One year follow up is scheduled for August 31st. My blood work has all come back normal and I am PSYCHED! After having my life put on hold, I am up and running!!! Back to work full-time doing what I love in nursing! But most importantly, playing hard and loving life with my amazing family!


  1. Wendy,

    I just found your blog and read the whole saga. I'm glad to find out that you're completely pheo-free. While you were at Beth Israel getting diagnosed March 2009 I was down the road at MGH getting my own pheo removed. All the med students were so interested, it was like I was the belle of the ball. I hope you continue to be well.

  2. So glad to find your blog and read your story. I was diagnosed with a Carotid Paraganglioma (Paras are like Pheos outside of the Adrenals but the ones in the neck often don't have the scary BP stuff to go with them, thank goodness) this summer. I'm in a big 'hurry up and wait' right now because I'm also pregnant. Surgery will come after baby.

    It was great to read your story because 1) You're a success story--I need that! ;) 2) You make me feel better about the anxiety I have waiting for the surgery and wondering about what will come after.

    Anyway--thank you for being here in Blogland. You make me feel less alone!
